Thursday, June 09, 2005

It's hard to maintain balance. . .even if you don't have a mental disorder.


Especially when I'm in an excited mode (hypomanic - meaning slightly less than manic) I have trouble with keeping my days balanced. Spring often tends to bring on excitement. Then there are those long, dry spells. . . (called depression) . With Depression, it's equally tough to maintain balance, because most activities complete loose their allure.
I console myself with the rationalization (or is it?) that there's more than one way to keep balance: (Try to picture the "blind justice" scales.)

  1. Balance a pound of crackers with a pound of crackers -- The scale stays balanced, but not very exciting.
  2. Balance a pound of feathers with a pound of lead. The scales are still balanced, but it's much more visually exciting. You just have to have a much bigger volume of feathers.
  3. Tell me YOUR thoughts on balance. Click on the title for some excellent thoughts.
    See more progress on: Lead a balanced life


David Stelzer said...

I want to be sincere and genuine to all the people in my life. I will probably be sincere and genuine to at least a few. In the balance, I may be sincere to a few more and genuine to a few more, but some people will not like me at all. In the balance, I accept my limitations as well as others'limitations!!

Dave :>)

Anonymous said...

I have found that for me to be balanced at all I have to be centered. That is, to plant my weight evenly on both feet before I begin to move out and about. When I, then, move I am aware of where my center is and can not only return to it but find it goes with. Can you center your weight on both feet then slowly shift your center to one foot and lift the other slowly straight out in front of you? (a trick is to direct your attention to the foot on the ground and feel the weight of you planted heavily and firmly there). Don't worry. With practice you get better. Always do it with each side or you will become a one-sided mover only. You can see the Center everywhere you look: The Tree, centered on its trunk, centered upon its great tap root below the ground, and the support of all its nutrient seeking roots. My own Center is my strong belief in the GREAT POTENTIAL in each of us, given with GREAT LOVE by our Higher Power, our Creator, to be Co-Creator's. Always must return to my Center to keep from falling or even to get back up. Always must be practicing to stay and shape and grow stronger. Without Center, or Centering, balance is impossible for me. Thanks for asking.