Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Procovery Strategies - #s nine & ten

Sticking with procovery when the going gets rough. Sometimes in the midst of crisis, all procovery efforts are abandoned or forgotten. But procovery efforts during crisis can greatly determine whether this particular crisis will be just part of the procovery process, a detour on the way to procovery, a turning point toward procovery, or a loss of will in getting there at all.

Self-care actions to take and choices to make. Illness can loom so deadening, so debilitating, so destructive that we assume it requires something strong, powerful, and exceptional to beat it. Self-care may seem too “anecdotal,” too incidental to have an impact. But in fact self-care makes use of the most powerful medicine of all—the active participation of the individual.

Copyright 2000 by Kathleen Crowley. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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